Collaborations & Partnerships
The Global Albinism Alliance is a member of several international alliances and coalitions. We support the work done by these different organizations and contribute to their advocacy initiatives.
We exchange continuously and collaborate actively with the United Nations Independent Expert on the Rights of Persons with Albinism, Ms. Muluka-Anne Miti-Drummond.
In Geneva, we work closely with International Service for Human Rights that supports our human rights advocacy initiatives at the UN level.
Since 2022, we work closely with the ILDS (International League of Dermatological Societies) and their foundation, the International Foundation for Dermatology to develop a program of activities to advance skin health for people with albinism globally. In 2024, we also collaborate with GLODERM, the International Alliance for Global Health Dermatology – a program of the ILDS / IFD) through the organization of a webinar series on albinism.
The GAA also collaborates with the European Reference Network for Rare Skin Disorders (ERN Skin).
In 2022, our Executive Director was an invited speaker in the patient symposium of the 1st World Congress on Rare Skin Disorders - WCRSD, and in 2024, the GAA co-hosted the Welcome Reception of the 2WCRSD, on June 12, 2024, as a way to celebrate International Albinism Awareness Day.
The ERN Skin was a sponsor of the 2025 International Scientific Conference on Albinism (ISCA 2025) organized by the Global Albinism Alliance.
In 2023, the GAA started a collaboration with the International Agency for Research on Cancer – IARC, the specialized cancer agency of the World Health Organization. The goal of our joint work is to improve knowledge about the epidemiology of skin cancer in persons with albinism.
We also exchange on a regular basis with several departments of the World Health Organization (WHO), particularly the Department of Control of Neglected Tropical Diseases and the Radiation and Health Unit.
Partners & Sponsors
Since its inception, the GAA has received funding from the following organizations and companies.
GlobalSkin through their Member Impact Fund