
Uniting albinism organizations globally

What We Do

Member Support

  • Facilitate knowledge and skill development of albinism groups worldwide
  • Facilitate collaboration among albinism groups and other stakeholders working on albinism
  • Facilitate the exchange of information and best practices among albinism organizations
  • Promote the work and amplify the voices of albinism groups around the world

Advocacy & Education

  • Represent and advocate for the albinism community at the global level
  • Develop and implement programs of public awareness and education on albinism

Research & Information Dissemination

  • Conduct and promote research on albinism and human rights, health and social sciences
  • Promote and spread accurate information on albinism worldwide
  • Build and manage a comprehensive database of reliable and accurate information on albinism

Our Mission

To advance the capacity of organizations serving people with albinism and their families around the world, and to advocate at the global level to improve the enjoyment of human rights by persons with albinism and their family members

paris-france towards a global albinism alliance
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GAA Values